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Mass Ventilator System – The Hungarian Invention Could Save Lives

The life of many seriously ill people infected by the life-threatening Coronavirus could be saved worldwide by a mass respiratory system, developed by a team of Hungarian research and development engineers, doctors and mathematicians in recent weeks. The revolutionary development can play a particularly important role in the global fight against the spread of COVID-19.

Concurrently with the announcement of the pandemic, Dr. Kozlovszky envisaged a ventilator; its most important feature being the ability to be used by several patients simultaneously, i.e. one machine can ventilate more than one person at a time.

The system also protects the healthcare professionals by transporting the contaminated exhaled air from the common hospital space, unlike currently used ventilators.

The MassVentil System can be installed outside healthcare facilities, without advanced hospital infrastructure, even in emergency camp environment.

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