People working on the success of the MassVentil project and supporting the project’s goal by volunteering:

Prof. Dr. KOZLOVSZKY Miklos (principal investigator, project lead) is professor at Óbuda University (Hungary), head of the BioTech Research Center (BTRC) and the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, besides that he is working as Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems in the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He received his habilitation from Óbuda University in 2017, his PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) in 2009, and his MSc in Computer Science from the University of Szeged (Hungary) in 2001. He is a lecturer at various Universities: at Óbuda University (Hungary) since 2005, at Semmelweis University (Hungary) since 2015 and at National University of the Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina) since 2017. Before that, he was working: as researcher in the Bioinformatics Group at IMP /Research Institute of Molecular Pathology/ (Austria), at CERN /European Organization for Nuclear Research/ (Switzerland), and as team leader at Vodafone Hungary (Hungary). During his last 20 years he was involved in many EU FP6, FP7 (SHIWA, HP-SEE, SEE-GRID-SCI, EGEE, EGI, …) and H2020 projects at various positions (deputy project leader, WP leader, engineer, etc.). He is author and co-author of 180+ research articles in peer-reviewed journals and books.

Dr. HAIDEGGER Tamás received his PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2011. His main field of research is on medical technologies, control/teleoperation of surgical robots, image-guided therapy and assistive devices. Currently, he is associate professor at Óbuda University, serving as the director of the University Research and Innovation Center (EKIK), and as the technical lead of medical robotics research at the Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics. He is an active member of various other professional organizations, including the IEEE Robotics an Automation Society, IEEE SMC, IEEE EMBC and euRobotics aisbl, holding leadership positions in the IEEE Hungary Section as well. He is a national delegate to the ISO TC299 standardization committee focusing on the safety and performance of medical robots. He has been running a professional blog on medical robotic technologies for 12 years:

Dr. GALAMBOS Péter performs internationally recognized reserch activity in robotics and the related scientific topics. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2006 and 2013 respectively. He was a Research Intern at the Toshiba Corporate Research and Development Center from 2007 to 2008, then joined the Institute for Computer Science and Control of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA-SZTAKI), where between 2010 and 2012, he held a “Young Researcher” Scholarship. From 2011 to the end of 2015 he served as a team leader in MTA SZTAKI and coordinated the development of the VirCA VR system and its research applications. He has joined Óbuda University in 2013 where he participates in robotics-related R&D activities and education. He is currently the director of the Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics of Óbuda University. Besides the research and management duties, his role exceeds to student supervision (BSc, MSc, PhD) and research projects coordination. Peter’s current research interest includes Advanced Industrial Robotics and Control Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Virtual Reality. He is author of more than hundred scientific journal and conference papers. His publications received more than 700 citations (Google Scholar). Member of the euRobotics topical group for Modularity and Standardisation.


TAKÁCS Bence, received his electrical engineer B.Sc. degree from Óbuda University Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and informatics engineer M.Sc. degree from Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics. He deals with medical robotics, microcontrollers, PLC-s, industrial automation and industrial process control, started his PhD studies 2016 in medical robotic, participated domestic and international robotics competitions many times: some of them are euRathlon (Multi domain competition, Underwater section ) Design Challenge, Applied Engineering Sciences (Hungarians on the Mars).
Supporters and helpers:


BIISEITOVA, Ayana (Kazakhstan), CEU student, supports the project in strategic analysis and business development.

BÍRÓ Szabolcs, founder of kezes-lábas játszóház (playhouse) and assosiate professor at Óbuda University. He has been dealing with production technologies for 20 years, specialising in cutting technology. At his hand the wrecked ribbons are alive again, and even though the big flex burned down, he’ll make something of it. The Hungarian pioneer of waste recycling, bike-driven playhouse is one of the most popular attractions in the event market. Its concept offers mindset changing experience to all ages, raising awareness of the importance of energy-conscious living, as the tools work with human power. Fortunately, Szabolcs is also at home in the machine wprkshop, and so for Massventill produced control valves, together with Tamás Nikitscher (5 complete sets).

Dr. BUZÁSI Bence co-founder of Progressive ad agency, creative leader of our international brochure: “As a tech-focused agency we know that communication plays a key role in spreading innovation. We believe that our work makes a significant contribution to the development of our society, which is extremely important in the current situation. We are proud to put our communication and artistic skills at the service of such an important and evolutionary project.”

CSABA Krisztina, graphic designer designed the MassVentil project logo.

CZAKÓ Bence graduated from the University of Óbuda with a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics in 2018. He is currently doing his doctoral studies at the University’s Research Centre for Physical Controls, where his research focuses on model-based chemotherapy optimization using predictive regulation. His main interests are nonlinear control theory, including nonlinear model predictive regulation, feedback linearization, and the theoretical and practical research of Robust Fixed Point Transformation-based regulation.

DÓCZI Roland, IT engineer, has been medical researcher and developer for several years. In the project, as software developer, he is responsible for the design and implementation of front-end, back-end, and server construction.

Dr. DREXLER Dániel András holds a Master’s degree in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, and applied mathematics. He acquired his Ph.D. degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the fields of robotics. He is currently the vice deputy head of the Physiological Controls Research Center at Óbuda University and leads the research and development of system modeling and control in the MassVentil project.

Dr. EIGNER György

ERDÉLY Janka, production designer and art director – she is helping to organize submitted offers for helping the project.


Dr. HORVÁTH Richárd, is associate professor at the Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Security Engineering (Óbuda University). He coordinates production-design-implementation problems and tasks between the project and the Faculty of Bánki.

HORVÁTH Gergely: “I work for a self-driving car technology development company where innovation is also important, which is why I decided to support the MassVentil initiative in this difficult situation.”

JÓSVAI Eszter (Austria) M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Biomedical Engineer. Applying her medical device development experiences of several years she has joined us as a volunteer. She is working on analyzing supported ventilation modes, designing patient dashboard, building up a usability concept and consulting with medical experts.

Dr.KACSUK Zsófia, Ph.D, European Patent Attorney, M.Sc in Physics, LL.M., Ph.D in Law, founder and head of Kacsukpatent

KARABAYEVA, Ainura (Kazakhstan), CEU student, supports the project in strategic analysis and business development.

KÁLMÁN Attila has been working as a locksmith for more than 50 years, for 40 years his main profile has been spring production, he is certified for ISO 9001. He creates standard and custom springs for a variety of products from computer keyboard to agricultural machines, from single pieces to mass series. He has references from medical equipment, automotive, fine mechanics to household appliances, etc., everything that requires springs. Attila Kálmán’s comment on the MassVentil project: “I am honored and delighted to be able to participate in a XXI. century innovation project at the age of 74, giving me the opportunity to save people’s lives. Thank you for the opportunity!”

KONDACS András, Animatiqua Ltd, has designed an animated short film for the project.

KUTASI Judit, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Trend FM, broadcaster, foreign policy expert, philosophical expert, communication expert, journalist; she builds the communication of the project.

LÁDI Alexander has just finished his BSc at the János Neumann Faculty of Informatics (Óbuda University). In addition to his studies, in the previous semester he has been a demonstrator of digital systems, and a few months ago he has joined the iRobot lab team of Antal Bejczy iRobot Technology Center. His task is to implement test circuits and assemble machine hardware elements.

MAGLAI Péter, art director at Progressive ad agency, designer of our international brochure.

MARTINEZ, César (Argentina), PhD, Biomedical Engineer. He is a Professor and Researcher in the area of signal and image processing. His current research topics include bioinspired image representation and sparse signal coding with applications to biometrics, computer vision and robust speech processing.

NAGY Viktor, owner of Mihasznafilm, made our debut campaign film for the GoFundMe site.

NÁDAS József

NIKITSCHER Tamás, engineer at the Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Security Engineering (Óbuda University), has been head of the large work-room of the Bánki Institute of Materials and Productions for nearly 3 decades. He is instructing workshops in CNC Programming and cutting-related subjects, and has been supporting a number of R & D projects in the field of cutting technique research. For the MassVentil project he produces unique prototype parts by CNC technology.

PASZTORNICZKY István, electrical engineer, municipal representative

PERÉNYI Zsigmond (Pronaxis Ltd) head of software development at MassVentil project

Prof. Dr. RAJNAI Zoltán, Dean of Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and Security Engineering (Óbuda University). He sais:”Our goal is to make the project as successful as possible, so Bánki Faculty participates in the implementation with all the competences that can be used in the project.”

RIESING József, mechanical engineering

SÁRKÖZI Balázs, head of RAPID Line Ltd. supports our online communication

SIKET Máté has a B.Sc in Mechatronics Engineering and an M.Sc in Health Engineering of the Technical University of Budapest. He is currently a PhD student of the University of Óbuda, Physical Controls Research Center. His main research areas relate to physiological models and regulation, and participates in the research related to the measurement of physiological signals by camera.

Dr. SKODA Péter (United Kingdom), doctor, regional contact. As a doctor, he provides professional support and helps to promote the project in the UK.

DI Thomas STRODL, MBA (Austria) – As an innovation scout and mentor, Thomas has become a networker in the applied research community in Austria and helps us to establish business connections to producing companies as well as to promote the project in industry.



SZARVAS Krisztina (Austria), business and market development advisor leads the market development and communication of the project.

SZEDRESI Norbert, head of design at Progressive ad agency, designer of our international brochure.

Dr. SZÉLL Károly is associate professor at Óbuda University, Alba Regia Technical Faculty, head of the Robotics Center in Székesfehérvár. After studying mechanical engineering at BME, he obtained a PhD in the field of modeling and control of a servo-pneumatic system. The main focus of his research and education activities is industrial robotics and automation.

SZÉN István

SZŰCS László



Dr. UCLER, Caglar is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences of Ozyegin University. He is an innovation strategist and a product development professional with extensive industrial expertise.

Yared YAREGAL is from Bahir Darin, Ethiopia. He is currently working and living in Budapest, in his second home, as a software developer. 2012 after finishing high school he joined the Addis Aaba University but then returned to Budapest and studied mechatronical engineering at Obuda University – Bánki Donát faculty and also, continued his MSc in Computer Engineering specializing in Biomedical Engineering at the faculty of Neumann János Informatics Faculty.

WOLF Ádám is a mechatronics engineer and currently a PhD student of the University. He is contributing in the documentation as well as in market- and literature research.